Uxo – pronounced. ‘uck-so’


From where does the wife’s power come, that renders her uxo husband feeling helpless? From her simple question asked every week. “Do you want domination my way, or no domination at all?” He always answers, “Domination your way Ma’am“.

It’s not always domination her way. He remains her strong and assertive rock and protector whenever she needs that. They spend lots of vanilla time together too when they are pretty equals, laughing and having fun. But ALL THE TIME, (be that vanilla time, or uxo time), she feels adored, she feels thrilled, she feels 100% safe from infidelity by her husband. He is besotted with her. They both have a sex life that will NEVER go stale. A perfect symbiosis.

She understood, the term uxo is derived from the Latin word, ‘Uxorious”. That being: “Overly devoted to a woman / wife.‘ Can a wife ever feel her husband is overly devoted to her? I DON’T THINK SO!

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